Cat n cow story....⊂((・⊥・))⊃

One day while my friends and I were walking to the home, we found a small cute kitty. Unfortunately, one of my friends was afraid of cat, no matter how cute it is. Actually, I don't understand someone like him. I think human is bigger than cat, then why must a human must afraid of cute kitten. Hohoho. Let's I continue my story. Eventually, I brought the kitten to my friend, and he jumped and ran to home. Could you imagine, a 17-boy ran coz of a small cute kitten, very funny right?

One more story is about my friend, TFA. While walking to a playground. We found a very beautiful green grass. Then, he said....." hey, that grass is delicious"....I smiled eye to eye.

~ sorry tuan n Shahir ~

Road to lata kinjang

Recently, I and my friends went to lata kinjang. Swimming, playing and enjoying the cold-water. Something that is rarely to found in my hometown. I swear the scenery was seriously beautiful. But then, a group of people came, disturbing our calmness. We thought it was the sign to go home. Arriving at the home, the aroma of nasi lemak has been waiting us at the kitchen.

Walking down the kampar street

It's amazing to have a lc-ride with my friend. Go through the city street. It has been a long time I did not go to an old-city.
Eventually, we are stranded at a huge tesco ( of course la coz the mall is bigger than me ) as the rain was starting to rain cat and dog. Then, something rarely happened in the tesco, it was blackout. It is the first time I experienced it...huhuhu

Shahir's house...

I Met with a liitle 'becok' boy. He can non-stop-talking with someone. He has an innocent face though he's not some handsome, but cute face, yes.

One day, it was a dialogue between him and his teacher.

Teacher: who know full name of our prophet?
He: ( without hesitation he raised his hand ) Muhammad
Teacher: how about his father?
He: Abdullah
Teacher: his grandfather?
He: ahmad badawi

It happened when he was in standard two.

The past school time...。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

Spm has passed, now is time for uni. I am starting to dream my mjsc.
U r the coolest man.

peace to all

peace to all

.: advice 4 all :.

There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb